Our Worship


St Michael & All Angels belongs to the Church of England in the Diocese of Lichfield.
There are many way in which you can worship here, and our main acts of collective worship occur on Sunday mornings at 9.00am. 
The church is open for private prayer Monday-Thursday.

Holy Communion (or sometimes called Eucharist) is a service where we remember the Last Supper of Jesus Christ. We use Common Worship liturgy and follow the Church's seasons, and the service usually includes four hymns with the organ and a short sermon.

If you ordinarily receive communion in your own church you are welcome to come to the communion rail and receive communion here at St Michael's. If you do not usually receive communion, you are welcome to come and receive a blessing from the priest.

Morning Prayer is another way in which we worship at St Michael's. Christians have been in the habit of saying morning prayer since the 4th century and today we use either Common Worship liturgy for our Sunday morning prayer or liturgy from the Community of St Chad for our weekday prayer. 

It usually involves hymns with the organ, sung canticles (songs) and responses by the congregation. It is a peaceful and uplifting way to start your day which usually lasts about 45 minutes.

Coffee and homemade biscuits are an important part of all our services. 

Refreshments are served at the end of every service and are a good chance to catch up with friends or make new ones.

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